
Oracle Weblogic Server Diagnostic New Features

1- Classloader Analysis Tool

Classloader Analysis Tool is a web based tool. It can help you in analyzing classloading.

You can access http://servername:port/wls-cat then select applicationand see classloader information. This tool benefits analyze conflicts,view the classloader tree and generate xml file report.

2- JTA New Committed Transaction Stats:

Selact Managed Server>>Select Monitoring>>>Select JTA>>>Summary

Now we have five categories.If you want to better track read-only one phase commit transactions
Transaction No resource committed total count
Transaction One resource one phase committed total count
Transaction Read only One Phase commit
Transaction two phase commited total count
Transaction LLR committed count

3- Custom Validation of Client certificates

4- Connection Pools Capacity new features

You can no longer set capacity increment parameters. always increment 1
Minimum Capacity is important feature which you can control connection pool shrink

5- JDBC Connection Pool Harvesting
Connection Harvest Max count
Connection Harvest Trigger Count

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